Monday, August 29, 2011

What's this blog about, anyway?

This blog is about me. (I mean, really, whose blog isn't about them?) This blog is about me saying goodbye.

Goodbye? Goodbye to what? To whom? And why is it a long goodbye?

On August 19 my mom had a stroke. The stroke was caused by a tumor, which turned out to be brain cancer. This is the type of brain cancer that never goes away. So my mom is terminal. Or, in non-medical and somewhat cathartic terms, my mom is dying. The median lifespan for this type of cancer is one year (hence this being my long goodbye).

I'm not blogging about this so you'll feel sorry for me. I'm not blogging about this just to get attention.

I'm blogging because I think it will help me deal. Writing it down, making it public - I can't pretend it's not happening.

And I'm hoping that somewhere, someone else who's in a situation like mine (or not like mine) will find comfort and support through my process.

So here it goes.

p.s. the name of this blog came as a combination of two of my favorite shows, Scrubs and The West Wing. If you can guess how its related to both, without Google searching for it, you get a gold star and television respect from me.


  1. Thanks Katye for sharing your blog. I think it's a great way for you to update about your mom's status, reach out to others, and most importantly, for your own self-healing and nurturing as you say goodbye.

    I encourage you to not hold anything back during this process. Be as real as I know you are. Lay it all down, the good, bad, and the ugly.

    Peace to you and your family

  2. I know that "My Long Goodbye" is the series finale of Scrubs (part I and II). What West Wing episode is it related to? Does it have to do with Bartlett's illness?
