Thursday, February 16, 2012

Something Good

I’m having my own insurance battle right now. First my dad, now me.

Long story short, I had to apply for an individual health insurance plan, and I was denied. It felt horrible – like I’m broken, like I can’t be fixed, like one more thing on top of everything else. (Don’t worry, I’ve worked through those issues in therapy. Yes, I’m broken, but so is everyone else. I can be fixed – I’m improving all the time. And insurance is a ridiculous, oversized, money-driven industry, so I shouldn’t take it personally.)

But the worst thing about being denied insurance is knowing that I have a long, uphill battle in front of me just so I can see a doctor– a battle where I don’t have a plan, or even a weapon. And I just don’t have the energy right now to figure it all out on my own. I was floundering, feeling completely out of my element and without any idea of how this convoluted system works.

And then I talked to Joey. Joey is an insurance broker. And she’s amazing.

Joey is the person that helped my dad work through all of his insurance stuff – she’s paid for by my dad’s work, and it’s her job to know the insurance system and help people get coverage. She knows how to write an appeal, how to word things well in an application, and what insurance plans are the best fit for me. She’s my own personal guide as I fight for health coverage, someone who has learned the ins and outs of the system.

I can’t express to you how wonderful it feels to have her helping me. It’s so comforting to have someone walking through this with me, someone who has so much more experience than I do. It’s so freeing to know I don’t have to find the answers on my own.

I really needed a win today. I really, really needed something good to happen. And it did. Joey did. And now I don’t have to fight this battle on my own.

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