Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Being Strong

I’ve kinda been wondering why I’ve only really seen the happy side of my mom this whole time. All the time I spend with her she’s laughing, and in a good mood, and its all gravy. But I know she’s having these intense conversations with my dad about the cancer, and treatment, and all this stuff.  I know she cries, and gets overwhelmed, I just haven’t seen it yet.

But today my dad said something offhand, and it clarified things: my mom is being strong for my sister and I.

Even though my mom is lying in a bed all day, and even though I have to help her go to the bathroom, and even though I have to pick her up and move her from place to place, she’s still my mom. She will still always be my mom. She will still protect me, and want to keep me from getting hurt.

And so she will be strong for me and my sister. And I will let her do that, because I still want her to be my mom. 

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