Sunday, September 11, 2011

Missing my mom

On Friday I didn’t make the 45 minute drive to Vallejo to visit my mom – I worked a full day (first time in three weeks. My bosses are pretty much awesome), didn’t want to be stuck in traffic and have the 45 minute drive turn into 1.5 hours, and just needed a night off. It was a really fun night too – hanging out with friends, being ridiculous, the usual.

But while I was hanging out with my friends, I realized – I really missed my mom.

Now, I’m not someone who misses her parents very often. Even when I’m out of the country for the summer, I rarely get homesick. And after I left for college, I would talk to my parents about once a week, maybe less, and mostly about random questions I had, things like how to cook a certain dish, or where to get car insurance.

So missing my mom on Friday, when I had just seen her the day before, was a little weird for me.

I don’t know why I miss her so much more now. Maybe its because we only have so much time left together. Maybe its because she just seems so vulnerable, sitting in that hospital bed, unable to speak. Whatever the reason, its not an unwelcome emotion, to miss my mom, just unexpected.

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